
Why did i lose my items on my minecraft tekkit legends server
Why did i lose my items on my minecraft tekkit legends server

why did i lose my items on my minecraft tekkit legends server

The Transmutation Tablet also has an EMC value. However, you can craft an Alchemical Tome and place it in the burn slot of the Transmutation Tablet, which unlocks every item in the Transmutation Tablet, but it is the most EMC expensive item in Tekkit as it requires 2 fully charged Klein Star Omegas. unwanted mining waste) into a single type of item. However, the Energy Condenser is much more suitable for transmuting massive quantities of items (e.g. The Transmutation Tablet gives you much more control over the transmutation process compared to the Energy Condenser, and does not require you to already possess the item you desire, provided you have previously taught your Tablet that item. At first, the interface may be confusing, but it is not hard to learn and become familiar with. You can only create items that your Tablet has already "seen", but once it has "learned" an item (unless you use an Alchemical Tome) it is remembered forever and you can create it at will, even if you no longer possess any of that item. It allows you to transmute blocks and items, allowing you to trade many low-value items for a few rarer ones, for example. Industrial Craft Classic - Imitation of IndustrialCraft 1.The Transmutation Tablet is the workbench of Equivalent Exchange.Gendustry - Additional bee processes and automation.Forestry - Tree/agriculture automation, RF generation, bee/tree breeding, storage, tools.Energy Converters - Consume or produce steam/RF/EU.Ender Storage - Inter-dimensional item/liquid transportation and storage.

why did i lose my items on my minecraft tekkit legends server

BuildCraft - Item/liquid transportation and storage, RF generation and transportation, automation.BluePower - Redstone logic, item transportation and sorting, misc-purpose blocks.Big Reactors - Multiblock RF generation and storage.

Why did i lose my items on my minecraft tekkit legends server